My Training

My training

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

—Mahatma Gandhi


I was extremely fortunate to do my teacher training at I-Sky with two inspiring and knowledgeable teacher trainers and mentors, Guru Dharam and Darryl O'Keeffe. I completed my Kundalini teacher training certification with KYTA and KRI.

We all of course, owe everything to Yogi Bhajan who bought Kundalini to the West and shared this miraculous science with us.

The more research that is coming to light on breath, the body, the brain and meditation (under its new branding of mindfulness) just shows me how deeply indebted we all are to the ancient Yogis, who gave us all of this knowledge before MRI’s could show us how it worked. Meditation and Yoga are not just a way to relax, they are a way that the body, mind and soul can connect and heal allowing us to live a healthier and, most definitely, happier life.

I knew nothing about Reiki and healing but had always noticed how I could soothe and calm people. I met a Reiki Master on a yoga retreat in 2001 and from that meeting I witnessed some truly amazing healings, and was myself the recipiant of distant healing each day. Once you have had Reiki healing you will understand how powerful, yet gentle and unobtrusive, this method can be and how it can heal on all levels. I was initiated in Reiki by one of my best friends which made the initiation even more sacred and special and I give thanks to Anaiya Sophia for this.

In 2015 /2016 my thirst for more raised its inquisitive head and I was fortunate to study Yoga Nidra with the very impressive Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli. These two embody yoga in their work, passion and lives.  A real inspiration.

I am in the process of completing my Kundalini Yoga Level 11, a 500+ Yoga Alliance Course and Kundalini Yoga Therapy, which is an 800+ hour course.
